Angelique Mercurio is Founder and CEO of Energy Solutions Forum, the founding sponsor of New York Energy Week. Named one of New York’s top 10 entrepreneurs in 2013, Angelique is an energy policy expert on a mission to solve the energy industry’s biggest data problem: efficient access to regulatory information. ESF’s enterprise software solution, EnerKnol, is the first one-stop platform for the cross-sector energy policy data that is critical to moving forward investment and innovation in the industry.
Mei Poon: What are you most excited about New York Energy Week this year?
Angelique Mercurio: What I’m most excited for NYEW is the widened scope of the participation and its impact. Last year we launched NYEW with the burgeoning energy economy of New York, and drew more than 2000+ attendees from all over the country. This year we expect to expand its global presence, notably with our international sponsors such as The Consulate of the Kingdom of Netherlands. The opening ceremony will be lead by Top state officials to headline New York Energy agenda, and ESF is honored to be selected as entrepreneurial representation to drive energy economy forward.
MP: What are the expectations as to coverage and global reach for New York Enegy Week?
AM: Last year we had 1 million+ global visibility. This year we have grown the NYEW steering committee to 300+ members, brought on additional talents on ESF team and additional marketing and customer partnerships, we are much stronger team than last year. We anticipate it’d grow by 10 times as much to have global visibility of 10 million energy professionals worldwide.
MP: What is your favorite invention/ technology in Energy sector?
AM: Wireless car charging technology like what our NYC-ACRE neighbors have created at HEVO.
MP: What is one opportunity/ challenge you hope will be addressed during New York Energy Week 2014?
AM: There is limited time in five days to address all sectors of Energy, hopefully we can get every single message across that’d make an impact during the short week.
MP: What is your favorite New York City landmark?
AM: All I do is work, so it’d probably be Urban Future Lab or my couch.
MP: Personal Fun Facts?
AM: I am passionate about animal welfare, and serve as a foster parent for chihuahua, and as a real parent to my own chihuahua, Murray Mercurio.