April 23, 2015: 10:00 AM ET
Con Edison is a top sponsor of the third annual New York Energy Week, which will convene experts to discuss the rapid technological and market changes affecting the way people get and use energy to run their homes and businesses.
Con Edison will host the official New York Energy Week Opening Ceremony June 15 at its headquarters at 4 Irving Place in Manhattan. The evening will feature a panel discussion about progress with the state’s Reforming Energy Vision initiative, a regulatory proceeding to transform power generation, distribution and consumption in the Empire State.
It is Con Edison’s second straight year as a “Terawatt” sponsor of New York Energy Week, the annual event series created by EnerKnol, an energy policy data company based in New York City.
Last year’s New York Energy Week drew 3,000 energy professionals from a wide range of sectors for five days of discussions at venues across New York City. Attendees come from industries such as finance, law, renewables, traditional power generation and energy distribution. Energy experts from government and academia also attend.
This year’s discussions will cover topics such as the impact of the growing use of natural gas, the unique value and benefits of the largest commercial steam district heating system in the United States, investment in the electrical grid, and the financing of solar energy.
In all, this year’s program will include 10 official New York Energy Week events taking place from June 15 to 19.
For more New York Energy Week information, including an event schedule, go to http://nyenergyweek.com/. For information on EnerKnol, go to https://enerknol.com/.
Reporters interested in covering the Opening Ceremony or any other New York Energy Week events should contact EnerKnol at 212-537-4797 or at press@enerknol.com.
Con Edison is a subsidiary of Consolidated Edison, Inc. (NYSE: ED), one of the nation’s largest investor-owned energy companies, with approximately $13 billion in annual revenues and $44 billion in assets. The utility provides electric, gas and steam service to more than three million customers in New York City and Westchester County, NY For financial, operations and customer service information, visit us at www.conEd.com, www.coned.com/energyefficiency, and on Twitter and Facebook.
EnerKnol, Inc. is a New York-based energy policy data and analytics company. Through its enterprise software solutions, the company supports financial decisions across the broad energy industry, from oil & gas, utilities, environmental markets, renewables, and beyond. EnerKnol created the annual New York Energy Week series in 2013 as part of its broader vision to drive financial market participation through cross-sector collaboration across the diverse energy industry. Follow the company @enerknol and @nyenergyweek.